Why You Should Warm Up Before You Run!

Even if you are tight for time!

By Garrett de Jong
November 2021

People generally run either in the morning (after lying in bed for 7+ hrs), around lunchtime (after sitting for 4+ hrs) or after work (after sitting 6-8hrs during the day!). It is obvious that our modern lifestyles have outsourced much of the movement we once needed to simply survive. Unless you are still living like our hunter-gatherer ancestors, it is more likely than not that you are starting your run (or workout) a little stiff! Warming up before your run should be a no brainer! 


In my opinion the best way to warm up is with what is called PREHAB exercises. It is similar to rehab exercises however done proactively. They can include mobility exercises and strength or ‘activation’ exercises. 


Essentially there are two reasons why we should be warming up with prehab exercises. They can make your running form more efficient AND reduce your risk of injury.

In my opinion the best way to warm up is with what is called PREHAB exercises. It is similar to rehab exercises however done proactively.

Run more efficiently. Sure we will warm up as we go but it might take 15-20min before we feel we are running smoothly. But even then it is far from guaranteed that we are running without any compensations. Prehab exercises can allow us to balance out our strides so we can get more bang for our buck in terms of time spent running efficiently. This can make running feel easier, we may run faster and/or further and most importantly it makes running more fun!

Reduce the risk of injury. If we have spent the majority of our day sitting, rushing off to run may not be the best idea. We may be able to get away with it from time to time but it will more often than not catch up to us. Warming up is a great way to ease into physical activity instead of going from 0-100!

Lastly, most of us should be doing more strength and mobility work regularly so why not do it before we run?! You may even surprise yourself with how strong you feel after simply doing prehab exercises regularly. I often remind people that a ‘little done a lot is better than a lot done a little!’ This is true for many things in life and strength and mobility is no exception. 

But don’t take my word for it, try it for yourself! 

Here’s a challenge: hold a long (20-60sec) hamstring bridge immediately before running, your ‘activated’ hamstrings should do their thing and you will immediately see for yourself why hamstrings are important for efficient running!


In summary, move well before you move often! You won’t regret it!


But where to start?! PR-WOD is your answer. It will give you much needed direction and accountability to stay consistent and achieve real results. PR-WOD can be exactly what you need to keep you healthy and take your running to the next level. All for the price of a single yoga class! Try 7 days for free now!



